437 Operations Group (AMC) (2024)

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Lineage. Established as 437 Troop Carrier Group on 15 Apr 1943. Activated on 1 May 1943. Inactivated on 15 Nov 1945. Redesignated as 437 Troop Carrier Group, Medium, on 10 May 1949. Activated in the Reserve on 27 Jun 1949. Ordered to active duty on 10 Aug 1950. Inactivated on 10 Jun 1952. Activated in the Reserve on 15 Jun 1952. Inactivated on 16 Nov 1957. Redesignated as: 437 Military Airlift Group on 31 Jul 1985; 437 Operations Group on 24 Sep 1991. Activated on 1 Oct 1991.

Assignments. I Troop Carrier Command, 1 May 1943; 50 Troop Carrier Wing, Feb 1944; 53 Troop Carrier Wing, 17 Feb 1944; 50 Troop Carrier Wing, 10 Jul 1945; U.S. Forces European Theater, 18 Jul 1945; I Troop Carrier Command, 6 Aug 1945; IX Troop Carrier Command, 4-15 Nov 1945. 437 Troop Carrier Wing, 27 Jun 1949-10 Jun 1952. 437 Troop Carrier Wing, 15 Jun 1952-16 Nov 1957. 437 Airlift Wing, 1 Oct 1991-.

Operational Components. Squadrons. 14 Airlift: 1 Apr 1992-. 15 Airlift: 1 Oct 1993-. 16 Airlift: 1 Oct 1993-29 Sep 2000; 1 Jul 2002-. 17 Airlift: 1 Oct 1991-. 20 Airlift: 1 Oct 1991-1 Oct 1993. 36 Airlift: 1 Dec 1991-1 Oct 1993. 41 Military Airlift: 1 Oct 1991-1 Apr 1992. 51 Transport (later, 51 Troop Carrier): 1 Jun 1942-14 Nov 1945. 76 Airlift: 1 Oct 1991-1 Oct 1993. 83 Troop Carrier: 1 May 1943-15 Nov 1945; 27 Jun 1949-10 Jun 1952; 15 Jun 1952-16 Nov 1957. 84 Troop Carrier: 1 May 1943-15 Nov 1945; 27 Jun 1949-10 Jun 1952; 15 Jun 1952-16 Nov 1957. 85 Troop Carrier: 1 May 1943-15 Nov 1945; 27 Jun 1949-10 Jun 1952; 15 Jun 1952-1 Jul 1957. 86 Troop Carrier: 1 May 1943-15 Nov 1945; 27 Jun 1949-1 Aug 1950; 26 Jan 1951-10 Jun 1952.

Stations. Baer Field, IN, 1 May 1943; Sedalia AAFld, MO, 8 Jun 1943; Pope Field, NC, 10 Oct 1943; Baer Field, IN, 29 Dec 1943-c. 12 Jan 1944; Balderton, England, Jan 1944; Ramsbury, England, 5 Feb 1944 (Air echelon deployed to Montalto di Castro AB, Italy, Jul-Aug 1944, and to Chilbolton, England, 1-6 Sep 1944); Coulommiers-Voisins, France, 24 Feb-28 Jul 1945; Baer Field, IN, 15 Aug 1945; Marfa AAFld, TX, 14 Sep-15 Nov 1945. Chicago-Orchard Airport (later, O’Hare Field-Chicago Intl Airport), IL, 27 Jun 1949; Shaw AFB, SC, 14 Aug-16 Oct 1950; Brady AB, Japan, 8 Nov 1950-10 Jun 1952. O’Hare Intl Airport, IL, 15 Jun 1952-16 Nov 1957. Charleston AFB, SC, 1 Oct 1991-.

Service Streamers. World War II American Theater. Global War on Terrorism - Service (GWOT-S).

Campaign Streamers. World War II: Rome-Arno; Normandy; Northern France; Southern France; Rhineland; Ardennes-Alsace; Central Europe. Korea: CCF Intervention; First UN Counteroffensive; CCF Spring Offensive; UN Summer-Fall Offensive; Second Korean Winter; Korea Summer-Fall, 1952.

Armed Forces Expeditionary Streamers. None.

Decorations. Distinguished Unit Citation: France, [6–7] Jun 1944. Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with Combat “V” Device: 11 Sep 2001-30 Jun 2003. Meritorious Unit Awards: 1 Jul 2009-30 Jun 2010; 1 Jul 2012-30 Jun 2013; 1 Jul 2013-30 Jun 2014; 1 Jul 2014-30 Jun 2015; 1 Jul 2016-30 Jun 2017; 1 Jul 2017-30 Jun 2018; 1 Jul 2018-30 Jun 2019; 1 Jul 2019-30 Jun 2020; 1 Jul 2020-30 Jun 2021. Air Force Outstanding Unit Awards: 1 Jul 1993-30 Jun 1995; 1 Jul 1995-30 Jun 1997; 1 Jul 1997-30 Jun 1998; 1 Jul 1998-30 Jun 2000; 1 Jul 2005-30 Jun 2007; 1 Jul 2007-30 Jun 2008; 1 Jul 2015-30 Jun 2016. Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation: 1 Jul 1951–[10 Jun 1952].

Lineage, Assignments, Components, Stations, and Honors through 12 Jun 2023.

Supersedes statement prepared on 28 Aug 2012.

Emblem. Approved on 15 Apr 2019.

Prepared by Melissa Lahue.

Reviewed by Margaret Ream.

437 Operations Group (AMC) (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.